Silent Hill: Dead/Alive

Region: USA
Release date: 2005.12–2006.04 (issues), 2006.07.26 (TPB)
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Writer: Scott Ciencin
Interior art: Nick Stakal
Cover art: Nick Stakal, Ted McKeever, Chris Bolton, Steven Perkins, Scott Keating, Loic Zimmerman

A sequel to the Dying Inside series, Dead/Alive follows the story of Lauryn and her evil eight year-old sister Christabella. Lauryn is now in control of Silent Hill while Christabella has little trace of her former strength. After Lauryn disappears, Christabella starts scheming to take back all the power that was once hers and strikes a bargain with Lenora, a powerful witch who molds and shapes the fate of Silent Hill in place of Christabella's big sister.

Lenora has an agenda of her own, a plan that centers on Hollywood actor and icon Kenneth Carter, a man who secretly harbors many torments of his own. And to rescue the one he loves, he has just stepped willingly unto the streets of damnation itself...

Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #1

Release date: 2005.12
Cover art: Nick Stakal, Ted McKeever, Steven Perkins, Scott Keating, Loic Zimmerman (retailer incentive)

Imagine you are eight years old, undead and pure evil. Your plans to gain ultimate power in the mist-enshrouded haunted town of Silent Hill have left you defeated, a prisoner. Suddenly you are free. But this is what hell really is... because now you are alive and vulnerable – and you have competition. May the deadliest win.

Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #2

Release date: 2006.01
Cover art: Nick Stakal, Ted McKeever

Imagine this: You're a Hollywood leading man. You have wealth, fame, power-and a hole in your heart, a vacuum in your soul. Playing a deadly game of damnation on the mist-enshrouded demon-infested streets of Silent Hill to save the woman you love, you don't expect the forces of darkness to play fair. So you won't, either...

Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #3

Release date: 2006.02
Cover art: Chris Bolton, Ted McKeever

Welcome to a festival of horror the likes of which Silent Hill hasn't seen since the night half the town burned and monsters first stormed the mist-enshrouded streets. There are games to be played. Prizes to be won. Flesh to be destroyed. Trapped within this madness are living dead girl Christabella and haunted Hollywood actor Kenneth Carter. Will they escape? Will they even want to?

Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #4

Release date: 2006.03
Cover art: Nick Stakal, Ted McKeever

Imagine growing up feeling different, always wondering the truth about yourself... then suddenly learning who your parents are and that one may not have even been human-or alive. Fighting for the lives and souls of those he loves on the mist-enshrouded, demon-plagued streets of Silent Hill, Hollywood actor Kenneth Carter is faced with a decision that may turn him from an icon worshiped by millions to a figure of fear known the world over. Can he survive?

Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #5

Release date: 2006.04
Cover art: Chris Bolton, Ted McKeever

A deadly game draws to a close as the living dead girl Christabella must escape from her greatest enemies and put herself in the path of malevolent beings that are neither angels nor demons, but something worse... if she is to stop them from putting the world to flame and realize her own twisted plans for the monster-laden mist-enshrouded haunted town of Silent Hill.

Silent Hill: Dead/Alive TPB

Release date: 2006.07.26
ISBN: 1-933239-94-8 / 978-1-933239-94-1
Other editions:
Silent Hill: Tot/Lebendig (Germany)

Collection book containing all five issues of Dead/Alive.

Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #1
Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #2
Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #3
Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #4
Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #5
