
Hazel Street Subway Station

"I'm taking the subway home."

To the Concourse

Without a map to guide you, follow the path and take your first right to and through the end door. Move forward and take a left across to the other side of the open hall. You can read a newspaper about a fatal subway accident on the ticket machines. If you examine the information sign here, Heather will reveal that the Bergen Street train on Platform 3 is how she plans to get home.

Continue around the corner and through the turnstiles by the ticket office. Right around the corner on the small noticeboard by the blue door you'll find the Subway Map. Head down the stairway near the map to the floor below.

Optional: The Subway Curse (Platform 4)

Firstly, this section is entirely optional and it does somewhat put your life on the line, but it's a cool little experience and you will find a health item on the way.

To witness this special event, you must first read the article about the subway accident on the ticket machine in the concourse. There's also an occult magazine on the platform 4 staircase that will help explain things but it is not required reading to witness this event. Read on below.

Platform 4

Once down the stairs from the concourse, take the south stairs and read the aforementioned occult magazine. Then continue down the stairs to platform 4.

Head west along the tracks and if you've read the newspaper article a cutscene will begin to play. Remember this St. Renata platform 4 is the very scene of the accident... Heather will be pushed onto the tracks and a train horn will sound. Quickly turn around and climb back up onto the platform (press X) or it'll ram you and be Game Over. The train won't come at all if you escape in time.

And that's it. Fairly minor but a nice little experience. Once done, find the Health Drink on the nearby bench and head back up the platform staircases you came down.

Connecting Hallways

Note that you can go to platform 3 to the north but you won't be able to find a train there for now, so we'll have to explore some more. From the stairs directly after the concourse, head around the right corner to find a Save Point on the right wall. Continue through the door past it and approach the phones to hear a single ring, but there's no phone to answer.

Head east and if you check the platform stairs to the south, platform 1 is blocked off and there's a chain with a bolt and nut locking platform 2. Remember it for later and use the northwest stairs to head down to platform 1.

Note on platform 3 and 4 trains: While you can visit platforms 3 and 4 right now to encounter Double Heads and find a health item or two, there is nothing else that can be accomplished. While you may be tempted to jump on the tracks to navigate past gates on the platform or elsewhere, attempting this will result in death by subway train (with one obvious exception later on). You have been warned.

Platform 1/2 North

Oddly there's grate flooring down here covering the tracks so you can run all over it on both sides. Watch out for the patrolling Double Heads and corner around to the stairs underneath the set you just came down (platform 1, west side). Down there you'll find a blocked off hallway with a newspaper covering a corpse, but more importantly two Health Drinks and Handgun Bullets on the small table.

Head back up to the platform and cross the grated tracks to reach and descend the stairs on the platform 2 side. Now you'll be on the other end of the previous blocked hall. Find the 15 Nutcracker on the end table. Return to the platform and head back up the stairs on the platform 1 side to the connecting hallways above.

Head south and use the Nutcracker from your inventory to crack the nut and bolt off the gate. Pass through and down to the south part of platform 2.

Platform 2 South

Continue ahead from the stairs to find an open subway car with two packs of Shotgun Shells by the open door. Deeper inside there's a lovely 15 Shotgun gift-wrapped for you. I'd recommend you keep using the Pipe and Handgun while building up more Shotgun ammo for now.

Hearing a noise inside, you'll meet a new enemy back by the stairs called an Insane Cancer. These guys have way too much health and are slow enough to just run past every time. Ignore him and the stairs, and instead run along the track and head around and down the other set of stairs farther down.

Connecting Hallway

Follow around the corner to find the stairs for platform 4 and 3 ahead. You'll only find Double Heads on platform 4, so continue ahead and descend the stairs to platform 3.

Platform 3 East

You are now on the eastern side of platform 3 which was inaccessible from the other side. Continue east until the camera angle changes to reveal a door on the tracks with red glow above it.

Drop down on the tracks, and avoid exploring elsewhere but the door or you may die by subway train. Head left to check the door on the tracks and find it has a broken lock... a train horn will sound and the tracks will be invaded by Double Heads. Uh oh...

Act very quickly and waste no time fighting the dogs. Run right past them and climb back up on the platform (press X). Note that you cannot climb up right beside the railing but instead a bit past it. A cutscene will play just as you try to climb and Heather will narrowly avoid getting hit. The train then comes to a stop and the doors open on the very last car at the back.

Boarding the Train

Take a moment to mourn the three Double Heads who got murdered by the train and begin your way west. You want to board the train but all the doors on this side are closed. Continue west and move through the gate along the tracks, unlocking it first.

Past the Double Heads, the next gate has no door so you'll have to ascend the stairs and head down on the other side. Grab the Health Drink on the first bench and board the train through the open doors at the end. It's time for a subway ride.

Moving Subway Train

In the first car you'll find a Save Point on the ground in the middle. Pass through to the next car to find medium-sized Numb Bodies which you should be able to run past, or just use the Steel Pipe to batter them. The third car with no lights has no enemies, but the fourth has a large Numb Body you'll probably want to kill to get past safely. The Handgun can take care of it by the time it reaches you.

Note that at any point if you try to head back to a previous car, you'll find yourself on the outside of the rearmost car, with all previous cars having been dropped. Freaky... but a fantastic view out there. Just be careful to not move forward or you'll fall off and die in a cutscene. Oh, clumsy Heather...

You'll find a First-Aid Kit and Shotgun Shells halfway down the fifth car on the left side. In car 6 you can find two packs of Handgun Bullets on the right bench just through the door, which are easy to miss. Car 7 has a fat Insane Cancer blocking the way, but fear not. Just run at its right side and you'll slip past before it can fully stand up.

Skip through the empty eighth car and the train will stop in a cutscene in the ninth car. Find the open door and leave the train to the mysterious platform.

Unknown Platform

There's a Save Point on the wall just outside the subway car. Continue along the wall to the left and pass through the blue door at the end.

03. Nightmare Mall 05. Underpass