

Starting the series hallmark of several outcomes, Silent Hill has five achievable endings. While one is a secret joke ending, which of the four main endings you receive depends on your actions during the game, specifically whether you do or don't complete two optional quests. Read about them below.


How the Ending System Works

Below are the two main criteria that determine which ending you will receive at the end of the game, while we'll get into the specific endings afterwards.

Quest 1: Saving Kaufmann and Locating the Aglaophotis Vial

  • Visit Annie's Bar in the Resort Area to save Kaufmann and pick up the Kaufmann Key and Receipt he dropped between the billiard tables.
  • Use the code on the receipt to enter Indian Runner where you can find a grocery list with the back door code for Norman's Motel office.
  • Use the code to enter the motel office from Weaver Street and collect the Magnet in the lounge.
  • Use the Kaufmann Key to enter motel room 3 in the compound, push the shelf and use the Magnet to reach the Motorcycle Key in the floor crack.
  • Use the Motorcycle Key to open the motorcycle gas tank in the motel office garage and find the glass vial.

Kaufmann storms in and takes the vial but this allows him to use it at the end. As soon as you complete the quest, you will be locked in to one of the Good endings (Good or Good+), while failing to find the vial will earn you one of the Bad endings (Bad or Bad+). Whether you complete the other optional quest determines which specific ending. Note that the Indian Runner visit can be skipped on subsequent runs since the motel back door code is always the same and there's no required item found there.

Quest 2: Saving Cybil

  • Acquire a Plastic Bottle in the first floor Kitchen of Alchemilla Hospital.
  • Use the Plastic Bottle to pick up the Unknown Liquid from the smashed vial at the back of the next door Director's Office.
  • Save Cybil by using the Unknown Liquid in close proximity to her during her parasitic boss form on the merry-go-round in Lakeside Amusement Park.

Completing the above quest will lock you into one of the + endings (Good+ or Bad+), while failing to do so will earn you one of the standard endings (Good or Bad). Whether you complete the other optional quest determines which specific ending.

Good Ending

To receive the Good ending, the player must perform the following actions:

  • Save Kaufmann in Annie's Bar and locate the glass vial in the motorcycle gas tank in the motel office garage in the Resort Area.
  • Kill Cybil during her parasitic form boss fight in the Amusement Park.

There's two codes and a handful of other items mixed in to complete the Kaufmann quest, all mentioned above and in the walkthrough. The other requirement is achieved by simply making no effort to save Cybil, whether you do or don't have the Unknown Liquid. Once you've found the vial and killed Cybil, you will be locked into the Good ending.

Credits song: Killing Time

Good+ Ending

As the best ending possible, complete the following tasks to achieve the Good+ ending:

  • Save Kaufmann in Annie's Bar and locate the glass vial in the motorcycle gas tank in the motel office garage in the Resort Area.
  • Obtain the Unknown Liquid from the hospital's Director's Office and use it to save Cybil in her parasitic boss form in the Amusement Park.

The Kaufmann quest requires a couple codes and other items, while the Cybil quest also requires a bottle to collect the liquid. All precise requirements for each quest are described a bit above and in the walkthrough. After finding the vial and then saving Cybil you will be locked in to the Good+ ending.

Credits song: Tears of…

Bad Ending

The easiest ending to achieve with the worst possible result, do the following to receive the Bad ending:

  • Do not find the vial in the Resort Area.
  • Kill Cybil during her parasitic form boss fight in the Amusement Park.

Whether you save Kaufmann in Annie's Bar or even partially complete the Resort Area quest makes no difference if you do not ultimately find the vial. Just as well, acquiring the Unknown Liquid will not make a difference if you do not use it to save Cybil during the boss fight. To achieve this ending, simply do not perform any optional tasks and you will be locked in after running through the Resort Area and killing Cybil.

Credits song: Esperándote

Bad+ Ending

As a poor resolution with some silver lining, do the following to receive the Bad+ ending:

  • Do not find the vial in the Resort Area.
  • Obtain the Unknown Liquid from the hospital's Director's Office and use it to save Cybil in her parasitic boss form in the Amusement Park.

Saving Kaufmann in Annie's Bar will not change anything as long as you don't ultimately find the vial in the garage, while saving Cybil also requires a bottle to put the liquid in, described above and in the walkthrough. After skipping through the Resort Area and saving Cybil in the Amusement Park, you will be locked in to this ending.

Credits song: She

UFO Ending

Serving as the game's joke ending, the UFO ending can only be achieved in a Next Fear game. It requires you to find the Channeling Stone on the counter of the Convenience Store at the northeast corner of Finney and Bachman in Old Silent Hill right at the start of the game, then use it in the following five locations:

  1. On the rooftop of the Nightmare School.
  2. In the Nightmare Hospital front courtyard just before fighting the Floatstinger boss on the Koontz Street rooftop.
  3. Inside the parking lot of Norman's Motel, Silent Hill Resort Area.
  4. Inside the boat cabin on the Lakeside Pier after speaking to Cybil and Dahlia, Nightmare Resort Area.
  5. On top of the Lakeside Pier Lighthouse, Nightmare Resort Area.

Upon using the Channeling Stone at the fifth and final location on the Lighthouse, the game will prematurely finish with this joke ending.